What Fraction of All Families Headed by African American or Latina Women Lives in Poverty?

Samuel Stebbins and Thomas C. Frohlich

A range of factors affect the likelihood of living in poverty – the poverty threshold in the United States was divers in 2018 every bit a four-person household earning $25,000 or less. Where and when a person was born, their race, their education level and that of their parents, their age and health, the composition of their family, and the status of their relationship are all variables determining poverty condition in the United States.

24/7 Wall St. analyzed government poverty statistics for 28 selected population groups from the U.S. Census Bureau's Current Population Survey (CPS). The list is grouped then each item lends context to the adjacent. Nosotros compared men and women, Hispanic Americans of all races, blackness Americans, and white Americans, as well equally full-time, office-time, and unemployed individuals.

We also compared poverty rates for people living in the South, Midwest, West and Northeast parts of the United States.

Information technology is of import to notation that poverty levels for certain groups are not broken down by the CPS. For example, American Indian and Alaskan Natives are not on this listing.

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• Full grouping size: 158.seven one thousand thousand people

• Group members living below the poverty line: 16.8 one thousand thousand people

• Group poverty rate: 10.half dozen%

Of the 158.vii meg men in the United States, sixteen.8 million alive below the poverty line, or ten.6% – below the 11.8% poverty rate across all groups. For a number of reasons, men are more likely than women to be in the workforce, and less likely to face discrimination related to salary or hiring.


• Full group size: 165.1 million people

• Grouping members living below the poverty line: 21.iv one thousand thousand people

• Grouping poverty rate: 12.9%

Women in the United states earn, on average, about 85 cents for every dollar men earn. Women are also far more likely than men to live below the poverty line. Of the 165.1 million women nationwide, 12.nine% alive below the poverty line, compared to 10.6% of the 158.7 1000000 U.Due south. men.

Under age eighteen

• Total group size: 73.3 million people

• Group members living below the poverty line: 11.9 million people

• Group poverty charge per unit: xvi.2%

American children are far more probable to live below the poverty line than adults. Younger children are at an even greater chance of living in poverty, as are children of minority families.

Historic period 25 and over

• Full group size: 221.five one thousand thousand people

• Group members living below the poverty line: 21.nine million people

• Group poverty rate: nine.9%

Most ane in every 10 Americans age 25 or older live below the poverty line. The age range covers broad demographic groups, including those of prime working historic period as well as those who have retired.

Age 65 and over

• Full grouping size: 52.8 meg people

• Group members living below the poverty line: five.1 million people

• Group poverty rate: nine.seven%

After age 65, many working Americans first transitioning into retirement. Those who accept not saved plenty or are not enrolled in a pension fund are at particularly high risk, and may need to continue working into their old historic period to stay out of poverty. Equally senior citizens continue to age, the risk of poverty increases, as 11.three% of Americans 75 and older live in poverty compared to 9.7% of those 65 and over.




• Total group size: 55.iii one thousand thousand people

• Group members living beneath the poverty line: v.vii meg people

• Grouping poverty rate: 10.3%

The Northeastern U.Due south. – a region extending from New Jersey and Pennsylvania upwards through New England – has the everyman poverty rate of all 4 Demography designated regions. Of all nine states in the Northeast, Pennsylvania has the highest poverty rate, at eleven.8%. New Hampshire has the lowest, at vi.1%


• Total grouping size: 67.v million people

• Group members living below the poverty line: 7.0 million people

• Group poverty rate: 10.4%

There are 12 states in the Midwest, extending from Ohio downwards and beyond to Kansas. Large swaths of the Midwest take been hitting specially hard by the decline of American manufacturing. State poverty rates in the region range from 7.5% in Kansas to 12.4% in neighboring Missouri.


• Total group size: 77.6 million people

• Group members living below the poverty line: 8.seven one thousand thousand people

• Group poverty rate: 11.ii%

The poverty rate among the 13 states in the West is 11.2%, slightly lower than the xi.8% rate across the U.Due south. as a whole. New Mexico'south 16.6% poverty rate is the highest in the region and 3rd highest among states. Meanwhile, Utah, its neighbor to the northwest, has a poverty rate of 6.9%, second lowest among states.


• Total group size: 123.5 million people

• Grouping members living below the poverty line: 16.8 million people

• Group poverty rate: 13.6%

Ameicans in the S are more than likely to live in poverty than those in whatever other geographic region. Across the 16 states that brand up the South, the poverty rate is 13.vi%. The region includes both of the states with the highest poverty rates – Louisiana and Mississippi, which have poverty rates of nineteen% and 19.6%, respectively.

Educational attainment

Adults without a loftier school diploma

• Total group size: 22.0 million people

• Group members living below the poverty line: five.7 one thousand thousand people

• Grouping poverty rate: 25.9%

Education is the best mode to assistance ensure fiscal security in the United States, and American adults who have not completed high school are at an especially high risk of living in poverty. More 1 in every four of the 22 one thousand thousand adults age 25 and over who dropped out of high school live below the poverty line.

Adults with a high school diploma, no college

Adults with a loftier school diploma, no college

• Total group size: 62.3 meg people

• Group members living below the poverty line: 7.ix million people

• Grouping poverty rate: 12.vii%

Adults for whom the highest level of didactics is loftier school are at a slightly greater than boilerplate chance of poverty. Of the 62.3 one thousand thousand Americans who fit into this demographic, 12.seven% live in poverty, compared to 11.8% of all Americans.

Adults with some college

• Total group size: 57.4 million people

• Group members living beneath the poverty line: 4.8 million people

• Group poverty rate: 8.four%

Income tends to rise with educational attainment, and the run a risk of poverty tends to autumn. Of the 57.4 million Americans with some higher teaching just less than a available'south degree, 8.4% live in poverty.

Adults with a bachelor'southward degree or higher

• Total group size: 79.8 million people

• Group members living beneath the poverty line: 3.v 1000000 people

• Group poverty rate: iv.4%

The median weekly wage for working Americans with a available'due south caste or college is $1,198, well above the weekly median of $932 for all workers. Adults with a four-year degree are also far less likely to confront serious financial hardship – but that does not mean that college-educated adults are immune by any means. At that place are some iii.five million Americans age 25 and over with a bachelor's degree or college, or 4.4% of the demographics, who live below the poverty line.

Family construction

All families

• Full group size: 83.five million people

• Group members living beneath the poverty line: seven.v million people

• Grouping poverty rate: 9%

People living with family members in the U.s.a. are less likely than the typical American to live beneath the poverty line. The poverty charge per unit among the 83.5 1000000 Americans living with their family is just 9%, compared to the 11.8% poverty rate across the population as a whole.

Married-couple families

• Total grouping size: 62.0 1000000 people

• Group members living below the poverty line: 2.9 meg people

• Group poverty rate: 4.vii%

Those living in a ii-parent household are far less likely than those in other living situations to live on poverty level incomes. Married-couple families accept a greater range of options related to childcare and employment than single-parent households. Nationwide, some 4.7% of people living in married-couple families alive below the poverty line, less than one-half the 11.8% poverty rate among all Americans.

Single parent households with male head of household

• Total group size: half dozen.5 million people

• Group members living beneath the poverty line: 824,000 people

• Group poverty rate: 12.7%

Unmarried-father households are far less common in the U.s.a. than single-female parent households. And just as men are less likely to alive in poverty than women, those living in single-father households are far less likely to alive in poverty than single-mother households. Some 12.seven% of Americans in unmarried-parent households headed by a man live in poverty, compared to 24.nine% of such households headed past a woman.

Single parent households with female head of household

• Total group size: 15.1 one thousand thousand people

• Grouping members living below the poverty line: 3.7 million people

• Group poverty rate: 24.9%

Women are more likely than men to live in poverty, and calculation dependents into the film, the poverty charge per unit amid women jumps substantially. Nigh 1 in every 4 people living in single-parent households headed by a woman alive below the poverty line, compared to the poverty rate of 12.9% among women alone.

The increased likelihood of financial hardship is due to a number of factors, including that employed mothers are less likely to work total-fourth dimension than employed fathers, and nationwide, women earn an average of 85 cents for every dollar men earn.

Employment status

Worked full-fourth dimension, year round

• Total grouping size: 118.0 million people

• Group members living below the poverty line: ii.vi meg people

• Group poverty rate: two.2%

The best way to avoid serious financial hardship is to take a steady source of income. Perhaps not surprisingly, the poverty rate amid Americans working total-time is just 2.two%, a fraction of the overall eleven.8% poverty charge per unit. All the same, for many working Americans, particularly those in depression-paying jobs with dependents to support financially, even working 40 hours a week is not enough to stay out of poverty. There are some 2.6 million Americans working total-time living below the poverty line.

Part-time workers

• Total group size: 49.3 million people

• Group members living below the poverty line: five.half-dozen million people

• Grouping poverty rate: 11.4%

Americans may exist working function-time for whatsoever number of reasons, including setting aside time to further their education, childcare responsibilities, or difficulty finding a total-time position. Of the 49.3 million Americans working part time, eleven.four% alive below the poverty line, closely in line with the eleven.8% overall poverty charge per unit.

Non working (historic period 16 and older)

• Total group size: 92.2 meg people

• Group members living below the poverty line: xix.3 meg people

• Group poverty rate: 20.9%

There were nearly 92 million Americans age xvi and over who did non piece of work in 2018. Without a steady income stream, this demographic is particularly susceptible to poverty. Slightly more than one in every five working-age Americans who did not work final yr lived in poverty, nearly double the xi.8% national poverty rate.

Race and ethnicity

White alone, non hispanic

• Total group size: 194.8 one thousand thousand people

• Group members living beneath the poverty line: fifteen.vii million people

• Group poverty rate: 8.ane%

Americans who identify as white are the least likely racial group to live below the poverty line. Amidst the 194.8 million non-Hispanic whites living in the United States, 8.1% live in poverty, a considerably smaller share than the xi.8% national poverty rate.

Asian lonely

• Total group size: nineteen.eight million people

• Group members living below the poverty line: 2.0 million people

• Group poverty charge per unit: 10.1%

Americans of Asian descent are less probable to live in poverty than the typical American but more than probable to live in poverty than white Americans. Of the nearly 20 million Americans who identify as Asian, 10.i% live beneath the poverty line – below the 11.8% overall poverty charge per unit only higher than the 8.1% rate amongst white Americans.

Hispanic (whatsoever race)

• Total group size: 60.0 one thousand thousand people

• Group members living below the poverty line: ten.v one thousand thousand people

• Group poverty rate: 17.6%

Hispanic Americans, or those who speak Castilian – frequently of Latin American descent – are far more than probable than the typical American to alive below the poverty line. Of the threescore million Americans who identify as Hispanic, 17.6% live in poverty, compared to eleven.eight% of all Americans.

Black lonely

• Full grouping size: 42.viii million people

• Grouping members living beneath the poverty line: viii.ix 1000000 people

• Grouping poverty rate: 20.8%

Blackness Americans are more than twice as probable to live below the poverty line as white Americans. More than ane in every five of the 42.8 million Americans who identify equally black live below the poverty line, compared to less than one in every 10 white Americans.

In October 2019, the black unemployment rate hit a record low of five.4%, which suggests the poverty rate among black Americans could soon fall besides. Still, black Americans are far more likely to be out of a chore than other groups in the United States, equally the national unemployment stands at three.6%.

Citizenship condition

​​​​​​​People born in the US

People born in the Us

• Total grouping size: 278.1 million people

• Group members living below the poverty line: 31.8 million people

• Grouping poverty rate: eleven.iv%

People who were born in the United States are slightly less probable to confront serious financial hardship than those who live here but were born abroad. Some 11.4% of native-born Americans live below the poverty line, slightly below the 11.eight% poverty charge per unit overall.

All U.S. citizens

• Total group size: 300.3 1000000 people

• Grouping members living below the poverty line: 34.0 one thousand thousand people

• Group poverty rate: 11.iii%

1 of the strongest predictors of poverty in the Usa is citizenship. U.S. citizens – both foreign and native born – accept access to a far wider range of employment opportunities than non-citizens. The poverty charge per unit among American citizens is 11.3%, below the eleven.eight% poverty rate among everyone living in the U.s..

Foreign-born, naturalized citizen

• Full grouping size: 22.3 million people

• Group members living below the poverty line: 2.two meg people

• Group poverty charge per unit: ix.9%

Overall, those who were born outside of the United States are slightly more likely to live in poverty than those born in the land. The i exception, however, is those who were built-in abroad and take naturalized every bit U.S. citizens. Of the 22.3 one thousand thousand Americans who fit that description, ix.9% live in poverty compared to the 11.four% poverty rate among native-born citizens. The requirements to become a naturalized denizen are extensive and may naturally favor those who are more likely to exist financially secure.

Strange-built-in, not a citizen

• Full group size: 23.v meg people

• Grouping members living below the poverty line: 4.1 1000000 people

• Group poverty rate: 17.5%

The poverty rate amidst those born in a unlike land and are not U.S. citizens is a staggering 17.5%. Non-U.Southward. citizens living in the country are often forced to live and work in the shadows, and doing so often ways working at very low paying jobs.


Most Americans volition fall into at to the lowest degree one of these categories, while some might fit several. And while some of these categories may non be intuitively associated with poverty, none are immune to poverty.

While college-educated Americans and adults working total-time are far less vulnerable to the prospect of poverty than other groups, millions of people in both of these categories faced poverty in 2018.

Out of the 118 million people working full-time year-round, 2.half-dozen million, or well-nigh ii.ii%, live in poverty. And of the 79.8 million Americans with a available'due south degree or college, 3.v million, or approximately 4.4%, earn incomes beneath the poverty level.

While suburban poverty is on the rise, populations earning low incomes remain relatively concentrated in city centers. The West and Southward have college poverty rates, only there are pockets of farthermost poverty in every U.S. region. Poverty is too highly full-bodied in the South, Southwest, and Appalachian regions.

Information technology is of import to notation that the official poverty rate is an imperfect measure of what people actually face – the threshold is the result of the 1963 cost of nutritionally adequate nutrient for the year multiplied by three, and indexed to inflation. A household's cash income before taxes is compared to that threshold to determine poverty condition.

24/vii Wall Street is a USA TODAY content partner offering financial news and commentary. Its content is produced independently of U.s.a. TODAY.


Source: https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/2019/11/06/united-states-poverty-rate-for-every-group/40546247/

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