Fun Things to Do When Camping With Family

How are yous planning on spending your fourth dimension while camping? In this huge guide, you'll discover 43 camping games and activities. In that location is something for everyone – from the little kids to families and adults. Keep this guide close and have an amazing camping ground trip!

camping games

43 Camping Games and Activities: Kids, Families, Adults

The tent is staked. The fire is crackling. But your kids are starting to go bored.

To them, that cute lake landscape simply isn't that peachy, and they're wondering why mom and dad are so obsessed with taking pictures of it.

This is when it's time to pull out the camping games. Not only tin can they keep your niggling ones entertained, but they can also teach them a thing or two virtually nature, survival and the not bad outdoors.

If yous're looking for fun, family-friendly things to do on your next camping trip, here are merely 43 ideas.

camping activities for kids

8 Archetype Camping Games (for all ages)

i. Bean Bag Toss

Bean handbag toss is a classic game that can exist enjoyed past all ages. You can brand your own course or purchase a fun, colorful 1 with pre-stuffed edible bean bags and painted cornhole boards.

At that place are even specialty versions out there for playing things like tic-tac-toe! Yous can continue score if y'all're feeling competitive, or yous can just play for fun with the younguns. The possibilities are endless when the game is timeless.

ii. Bocce Ball

You've probably played bocce ball without realizing that it dates back to the days of the aboriginal Egyptians.

The rules are unproblematic: Everyone throws a ball at a specially-marked center brawl, and the person who gets closest to the target wins. Just watch out for challengers who are gratuitous to knock out your ball, the center ball or any other brawl on the playing field.

Bocce ball sets are pretty compact and fairly inexpensive, similar this set by AmazonBasics.

Here's how to play bocce.

Spotter on YouTube

3. Scavenger Hunts

Scavengers hunts are always fun, and if y'all play your cards right, they can provide teachable moments as well.

For case, you can take the kids await for detail butterfly breeds or bird nests, or you can challenge them to bring back "an edible establish" or "a sedimentary rock." They'll learn more than about nature even as they're having a blast!

You tin make your ain game (like in the video below) or pick up a stack of prepared scavenger hunt cards like these by GoFindIt.

Hither's how to plan a treasure hunt:

Watch on YouTube

4. Sleeping Handbag Races

Potato sack races are a time-honored tradition in outdoor games, but what if you didn't bring any tater sacks to the Grand Canyon? Use your sleeping bags instead.

Everyone has their own, and so there won't be whatever fighting or waiting for turns, and they'll provide a soft cushion for whatever giggling, squirming kids who fall over. At that place won't exist any skinned knees on your lookout man.

5. Charades

It's a archetype for a reason. Charades tin can be played by all ages, genders and skill levels, and it doesn't require any tools or supplies other than an agile imagination. You can play as individuals or on teams. You tin play in any kind of setting.

Charades is the ultimate camping game, especially when you give information technology a camping theme. Make everyone act out things in nature or tasks that tin only be completed on a campground.

If y'all have a practiced imagination, you lot tin make these upwards every bit you go along. To keep things fast moving, you can besides choice up some charade cards, like these no-reading required cards for kids aged 4 and up.

6. Hacky Sack

Don't let information technology touch the ground! Whether it'southward played with a ball, sack, bean purse or just a rolled-up sock that'due south seen better days, hacky sack is a thrilling game filled with laughter and close calls.

The only objective is to kick the object around from player to player without letting it hit the dirt.

vii. Frisbee Games

You can do a lot more than with a Frisbee than just zipping it through the wind. There are whole sports that combine Frisbee tossing with lawn tennis, soccer, golf, rugby and dodgeball.

You tin can create or customize your own Frisbee activities depending on the ages of your kids and the equipment that you feel like toting in the back of the machine.

8. Leaf Threading

You don't accept to wait for the holidays to create garlands. Leaf threading is a fun, depression-cardinal activity that tin be enjoyed past all ages, and it'll promote everything from creative thinking to fine motor skills.

As a bonus, you'll create DIY mementos of your camping trip that yous can take home when everything is over!

8 Bivouac Games

ix. Shadow Puppets

Nada complements a adept blaze similar shadow puppets. Yous can utilize the light of the flames to bandage them against cars, campers, boulders or the side of your tent.

For added competition, plow it into a game of charades where everyone has to estimate the animal or object that y'all're making.

ten. Toasted or Roasted

Toasted or Roasted is an interactive card game where the goal is to toast marshmallows over a campfire every bit apace as possible.

Only watch out! Your opponents volition be drawing cards that give them sabotaging rights. Whether they're pouring water on your burn down or forcing you to fire your marshmallows to a blackened crisp, they won't make information technology like shooting fish in a barrel for you lot to win. Become this game on Amazon.

eleven. Noah's Ark Memory Game

Noah's Ark is a retention game that can be played everywhere from campfires to automobile trips. To start, the start player says, "Into Noah's ark went (an animal that starts with the alphabetic character A)." The 2d player continues with "Into Noah's ark went (the kickoff A brute) and (a 2d B animal)."

The goal is to make information technology to Z without anyone messing upwardly. It's a lot harder than information technology sounds, especially if you give it a nature twist. For example, you might only be immune to say the names of animals that you've observed on your trip.

12. Pterodactyl

The funniest games are always the ones where the objective is not to express mirth. In Pterodactyl, players accept to use their lips to cover their teeth as they go around in a circle proverb the earth "pterodactyl."

Making funny faces is both allowed and encouraged. If you show your teeth, nevertheless, you're out. Then no laughing!

Here's what it looks like:

Watch on YouTube

13. Burn Tender

This game isn't played with an actual fire, simply it's the spirit that counts. One blindfolded actor sits in the middle of a collection of twigs, sticks and branches.

Anybody else tries to sneak shut and grab some without the burn down tender hearing them and calling them out. You can make the game easier or harder with things similar penalties, fourth dimension limits or actress-large branches with rustling leaves still fastened.

14. Ii Truths and a Lie

"Two truths and a lie" is a more sophisticated version of "truth or dare." It's also a good style to keep everyone safely effectually the bivouac without wandering off in the dark to complete dares. The rules are simple, and you'll go to know your kids a little better with every round.

You might even pick up on their tells when they lie; this can come in handy when they're trying to wiggle out of misbehavior back home!

15. Down by the Banks

Perfect for a family sitting around the bivouac, Downward past the Banks is a hand-slapping game that goes in a circle.

Everyone links hands and says a rhyme as they gently slap the side by side person'due south palm, and when the rhyme ends, the slapper has the hazard to take out the slap-ee with a decisive smack.

But be warned! The slap-run across can move their palm at the concluding second and save themselves, forcing the other person out instead. The game continues until there'due south only one person left.

16. Military camp Talk

Camp Talk is a swell bonding tool for families. It'due south a question-and-answer game prompted by cards that can run the gamut from silly to heartfelt, and so it manages to exist fun, creative and idea-provoking all at the aforementioned time.

What'southward the grossest thing that you've always eaten? What qualities make a expert friend?

Army camp Talk tin can be a really illuminating exercise for parents who want to grow closer to their kids. Bank check out Camp Talk on Amazon.

things to do while camping

9 Camping Games for Kids

17. Tetherball

Tetherball is peachy for kids because information technology's a self-sufficient game that tin can exist played at any fourth dimension. They won't take to wait for an even number of players or for mom and dad to set up every game.

As presently as the pole is installed, it'due south skillful to go, and information technology can continue the little ones entertained for hours at a time. It'due south besides one of those games where you can brand upwards your ain rules if you don't like or get bored with the official ones, so there are always new twists to add.

eighteen. Water Relay Game

Perfect for a hot day, this game will keep anybody overnice and cool. It's played by having the kids stand in a single-file line with empty plastic cups.

Without looking, the showtime histrion fills their loving cup with water and dumps the whole matter over their shoulder; their aim is to get equally much water as possible into the next player'south cup. The process repeats downward the line until everyone has had a turn.

How much water will exist left in the final cup? How wet will anybody get? At that place's simply ane fashion to find out.

Here'due south what it looks like:

Lookout man on YouTube

19. Molkky (Skittle Scatter)

Molkky is a throwing game from Finland. Information technology's like horseshoes crossed with bowling; the object of the game is to knock downward a series of pins that are marked with points.

The first person to get l points is the winner, but information technology has to be exactly fifty points. If you go over, your score resets to 25.

Molkky tin be played in stops and starts for your entire trip, and so it'due south perfect every bit an ongoing game that's resumed at every new campsite. Here are the detailed rules for Molkky.

Become your Molkky set on Amazon.

20. DIY Windcatchers

Windcatchers are usually an indoor arts-and-crafts projection made with things like paper towel rolls, but you can create a nature version as well.

Just give your kids rocks, leaves, twigs, acorns and seed pods instead of the usual supplies. Hang them up outside of the RV when they're done.

21. The Loving cup Game

The cup game doesn't have an official proper name, but if you've seen Pitch Perfect, you lot already know what information technology is.

Sentry on YouTube

It's a musical retention game where players apply empty, upside-down plastic cups to create clapping or thumping songs that everyone has to remember in sequence.

Anybody can play, but the dainty thing about it is that kids can practice it on their ain while the adults are busy.

Hither's the video that fabricated Cups super popular.

Watch on YouTube

22. Ladder Toss

Ladder toss will crave adult associates, but once you have the poles set up, your children will be able to play without worry or supervision.

It's a unproblematic tossing game that uses two assurance connected by a rope, and the goal is to claw them around the poles with the help of force, momentum and gravity. You might even be able to sneak in a physics lesson here or in that location!

23. Bananagrams

Packed into a small yellowish pouch, Bananagrams is the portable, travel-friendly version of Scrabble.

Instead of working on a communal lath, yet, the goal is to create your own lath while using up all of the messages from your particular pile.

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Kids can practice it by themselves without whatever adults refereeing. It's fun, simple and educational, and so it'll boost the brain even as information technology keeps the easily busy.

24. Kan Jam

Kan Jam is a disc-throwing game where y'all endeavour to sink a flying disc into a pocket-size canned opening like a cross between basketball and darts. It requires both attention and precision, but it'south then satisfying when you finally succeed!

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For an extra challenge, buy an illuminated Kan Jam can that glows in the dark. The kids can play by themselves while you're setting upwards the tents for the night.

25. Camping Bingo

Camping bingo tin can be played in several ways. The traditional way is a regular game of bingo with campfire-themed cards; a longer, more interactive way is by treating the cards like an extended game of "I Spy."

You tin can only add a sticker to your bingo card if you see or participate in the action depicted at that place. Who will exist the beginning person to get five in a row?

Stay warm and safety with our Toasty Guide to Camping Heaters

10 Camping Games for Families

26. Parachute Games

There are endless games that you can play with a big, billowing parachute, then it'southward but a matter of finding the ones that will entertain your family.

If y'all have several kids, for example, you might enjoy turn-based challenge games. If y'all just want to tucker out a toddler, send them running under the parachute or endeavor to balance some balls on top of it.

Watch on YouTube

27. Squirt Gun Fun

This carnival-way game is quite simple: Line upward some empty cans or soda bottles on a picnic table and use squirt guns to try and knock them off.

Yous can play solo or with duos or teams if there are little ones that could employ a helping hand. Things might get a piddling wet, but information technology'll exist a cool and refreshing game during summertime camping trips!

So aye, squirt guns are fun. Here's proof (as if you needed whatsoever).

Scout on YouTube

28. Capture the Flag

You'll demand large teams for a truly rousing game, merely there'due south a reason why Capture the Flag is such an iconic and enduring pastime.

It combines luck, skill, strategy, dexterity and good sometime-fashioned courage, and it tin final for hours if everyone is giving it their all. You tin can even play "family versus family" if you make new friends at the campground.

29. Deed and React

Human activity and React is a scrap similar charades in the sense that it involves acting out scenarios that were written on pieces of paper.

Nonetheless, it allows for more elaborate ideas, and it'due south easy to requite them a nature theme. Possible scenarios could include things like "discovering a snake in your sleeping purse" or "protecting your campsite from a possum."

Permit the kids get as wild every bit they want!

thirty. Glow-in-the-Dark Band Toss

Ring toss is always fun, but it'southward even more fun when you're using glow sticks on a dark dark.

Toss the rings at a target from several feet abroad, or put the glow sticks effectually empty soda bottles and use the lights every bit a buoy while yous bowl.

The possibilities are endless, but they'll all look awesome. Here's a neat ready on Amazon.

31. Spot It! Camping ground Game

Spot It! is a popular carte game with many unlike versions, including a camping ground version.

Yous play by visually matching items on separate cards and calling out bingo-style when you lot discover them.

It's a fun, fast-paced game with a lot of potential for tongue-tied moments, and it doesn't require any reading if you're playing with kindergartners. It'due south all reflexes and object recognition. Encounter Spot It! on Amazon.

32. Pickleball

Pickleball is a bit like badminton, but it'due south more kid-friendly. It uses paddles instead of rackets and a big, wiffle-mode ball instead of a birdie. Kids will be able to hitting, serve and swoop to their center's content.

At that place are real rules for pickleball games if y'all're playing on a court, just if you lot don't feel like being official, you tin just goof off with the niggling ones and have fun.

See this swell starter pickleball set on Amazon.

Lookout man on YouTube

33. Add-to-the-Story

Y'all've probably played variations of this game. Each person adds a line to an ongoing story, and the end effect is usually a mix of funny, outlandish and completely nonsensical.

For the best results, utilise a slice of paper to hide the story except for a unmarried line that the previous person has written. Information technology'south a nice manner to pass the time at a picnic table while dinner is existence prepared.

34. Spoons

Spoons is musical chairs without the music or the chairs. There's always one less spoon on the table than the number of people playing, so when it's time to grab them, one person will be left empty-handed.

Players are eliminated until there's a unmarried spoon champion remaining. It's an exciting game, and y'all won't need anything but kitchen utensils to play.

35. Park Ranger

If you're looking for camping activities that are both educational and entertaining, consider Park Ranger.

Y'all start by clearing a large, empty space and creating two end-zones. One player is the park ranger, and they stand up in the middle and call out the features of a detail animal.

All other players represent an animal, and if their feature gets chosen, they have to go far from one cease-zone to some other without the park ranger catching them. It's good clean fun, and it can teach your little ones about the animal kingdom to boot!

Camping Tip: Here's how to keep nutrient while camping

8 Camping Games for Adults (and Some Kids)

36. Geocaching

If you aren't familiar with geocaching, it's basically a high-tech treasure hunt where you use handheld GPS devices to detect "caches" that other travelers have cached.

Picket on YouTube

You can get clues and coordinates from special geocaching sites, or you can make your ain enshroud to bury for the adjacent person.

Kids are welcome to bring together, but unless they can read maps, follow signs and operate GPS equipment, information technology might non be the about fun activity for them.

37. Never Accept I Ever

Y'all might be familiar with "Never Accept I Ever" every bit a drinking game, but you don't need alcohol to enjoy information technology.

You can sit around the campfire and spill your secrets but for fun. You tin also play a modified version with pennies, marshmallows, Grand&Ms or soda sips in places of shots. The last one with something left in their canteen is the winner.

38. Campfire Songs

This is a bang-up way to spend the evening around the campfire. Choose from the classics (Bob Dylan and Johnny Cash), modern (Coldplay and Spongebob) and kids (The Ants Go Marching and Dwelling house on the Range).

What songs should you sing? Here are some of the best bivouac songs for families. The guide includes lyric videos and so anybody tin sing along.

Campfire songs

39. Kite Flying

Kites tin require a lot of patience, but they'll exist worth it in the terminate. They're only as fun to design every bit they are to fly!

You can as well play kite games with an opponent once they're in the ar, including "kite battles" that are essentially aerial wrestling matches.

You'll want more than your bones kite for these games. A dainty quality kite like this one should do the play a joke on.

40. Flashlight Tag

Yous never actually outgrow tag, and flashlight tag kicks it upwards a notch by adding the extra challenge of playing at nighttime.

It might not be safe with very young children, but information technology can be an heady game to play with teens and adults later on the little ones have gone to sleep.

41. Stubby Bunny

If you lot have leftover marshmallows after your smores, Chubby Bunny is a practiced way to use them.

It'due south a stuffing-your-face game where the goal is to cram as many marshmallows in your mouth as possible while still being able to say "Chubby Bunny."

Information technology can be a choking gamble for immature kids, but older kids and adults should have a sweet time.

42. Spikeball

If you love to spike volleyballs but could take or exit the residuum of the game, consider Spikeball.

It revolves around a bouncy, footing-level trampoline net that players use to fasten the ball towards their opponents.

It can be a picayune rough and fast paced for kids, if you're an athletic adult with good coordination, Spikeball will definitely get your blood pumping. Here's a swell kit to become you started.

Hither's how to play spikeball.

Watch on YouTube

43. The Tarp Game

The tarp game is cornhole played with a tarp instead of a lath. The cool role, however, is that you lot cutting your own tarp as a customized scoreboard, and then you tin can make up one's mind for yourself how easy or difficult that yous'd like the game to exist.

If y'all're just playing for kicks, you can brand the holes big and like shooting fish in a barrel. If you actually desire to challenge yourself, yous can make the holes small, far apart or weirdly angled. You decide with the tarp game.

best camping games

More reading: How to Open up a Tin Without a Can Opener

Your Turn

These are simply a few camping ground activities that can continue your family entertained even when you're in the middle of nowhere. Who says that y'all need Tv to have a skillful time? Unplug, have a deep jiff and relish nature with these kid-friendly games, crafts and sports.


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